Day 263: Las Salinas
It’s our last day in Ibiza and we are going to check out the beaches near Las Salinas. We drive past the salt mines before arriving at the beach.
We are walking along the beach and I notice a tower in the distance, maybe about 2 miles down the beach.
“Let’s go for a walk and check it out,” I say to Laura.
“No, you go. I stay here and wait for you,” she tells me.
“No,” I say. “Come on, let’s check it out. I don’t want to go by myself,” I demand and she follows me begrudgingly. We walk up and down the layered terrain for about 10 minutes before she begins to protest.
“Katie, I don’t wanna!” She says.
“Is this really so bad?” I beg. “It’s a beautiful day. That tower looks really cool. I want to see it with you,” I say.
“No, no more. I will stay here. I want the sun in my face,” she responds.
I torture her for this comment. “Walk like this,” I say as I tilt my head to the sun. “Come on, lets go.”
I have a flashback to Vegas, when Laura made a scene over the mirror that she couldn’t bring into the HardRock on her last day. Perhaps the same thing is going on today. She has serious anxiety at the end of our trips.
As we get closer to the tower, Laura’s attitude changes. “Wow!” She exclaims. I knew she would be happy that she came once we got here. We sit on rock and take in the view before heading back.
We pack up the car and head to the airport. I still have sand on my feet as we board the plane. It’s a nice reminder of the day. We sit. I close my eyes and before I know it I am on the ground in Barcelona.
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