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Day Seventeen: La Piaggia

I am sitting by pool with Lyla talking to Maraellen from Sweden.  The French bulldog shows up and Lyla starts crying and it's time to go.  It takes 10 minutes to get through the lobby.   Lyla is by far the most popular guest at the Raleigh.  We make a quick stop to see Christi, the friendly concierge with dreadlocks who always gives Lyla biscuits.

Kate and I take a taxi to the Standard where we are told that it costs $75 per chair at the pool.  No thanks.  We have caipirinhas at the bar before deciding to head to La Piaggia for lunch.  Kate loves expensive French restaurants with a scene.  La Piaggia is no exception.   With her, I often find myself at Bagatelle, Bibloquet or Felix.  On my own, I go to places more low key.  Although I must admit that I love going to these places with Kate. We meet some interesting people and it never fails to entertain.
Lunch at La Piaggia
There are a lot of dogs at La Piaggia so I decide to go and pick up Lyla after we eat.  I leave Kate at the bar to walk Lyla and while I am gone, Kate meets Doug.  I leave them to meet my mom, who is coming in from Lighthouse Point where she was visiting grandma Maggie.  Kate calls and tells me she'd like bring Doug to dinner with my mom.  "I really prefer that you don't," I say.  I am typically very inclusive but dinner with my mom is an exclusive event.  Kate brings Doug anyway.  But I was wrong, my mom enjoys talking to Doug at dinner.   After dinner Kate, Doug and I say goodbye to my mom, who is staying at the Loews, and head to the Sherborne for karaoke. 

Today was fun.  Although it lacked substance, I am not bored just yet.

My mom joins us for dinner at the Royal

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