Day Eighty-Five: Champs!
I love being on a team. It brings me back to high school. Sports were an escape in high school and college. Every day, after the school day was over, we would go to the locker rooms and get ready for practice. Soccer, basketball, softball. Everything else going on in our little lives was put on hold. The social stigmas disappeared for two hours after school, every day. Despite our differences, we were all working towards something. A common goal connected us. It felt so good to be part of a team. We truly shared our accomplishments.
Firms appeal to this by pitching the “teamwork” element of a job. I liked the people on my team at my old job, but the bureaucracy and the hierarchy always made me feel so small, no matter how large my contribution.
It’s so good to play soccer on a team again. We won the chelsea piers winter league championship tonight. It feels amazing and nostalgic to share the victory with my friends. See more pictures.
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