Day Thirty: Another Day in The City
Driving around New York, I realize how crazy it is. I was habituated to the pace, but after being gone for a few weeks, it feels intense. There is no place in the world like it. This city is incredible.
While I was in Miami I met Tom, the founder and CEO of a company here in New York [I want to use some discretion and withhold the name]. He is a friend of Chris. He was in Miami for a little break and stopped by the Standard to say hi. We were all chatting and I told him about my current situation. He was intrigued by my investment banking background and told me about an opportunity his company is pursuing. He said that he wanted to bring someone on to run with it. He explained that he didn’t want to travel as much anymore and he was stretched too thin to evaluate, negotiate and pursue all of the opportunities. He asked if that would be something that interests me. Um, yes. I’m interested. He gave me his card.
As I move down my to-do list, “Email Tom,” is next. I write him to express interest in discussing the opportunity further with him.
I meet Kate for dinner at the Lion. We are paying our bill and a woman walks by and spills the water on the table on my lap. I head to the restroom to assess the damage. I ask a woman next to me at the sink if she can tell. "Does it look like I peed my pants?" I ask.
She smiles at me and I immediately recognize her. Sandra Bullock. She is stunning. I think she can tell that I recognize her by my change in expression.
She takes a step back and examines me. "Not at all!" she exclaims. "As long is the lighting is this dark.”
I thank her and laugh to myself.
Kate and I head to Hotel Griffou for a drink and then to Tzigan and Griffin to dance. I missed this town.
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