Day Sixty-Eight: Parapente in Mendoza
Over breakfast, Laura and I discuss what to do today. More wine? Perhaps bikes and wines. Then I have an idea. “Parapente!” I say. Laura calls Mendoza Parapente. They can pick us up at 10:30. It’s a good day for paragliding.
As I glide with Alejandro, I ask him how he got into this business. “I went paragliding once, like you today. Then the next day I starting taking lessons and I loved it. I started this company so I could go and do this everyday,” he explains.
Before he started Mendoza Parapente, he had a trucking company, which he sold. “The money was good, but the life was not,” he tells me. I’ve met so many people from this country who have pursued their passions. He tells me about his friend in New York who works all of the time and never has time to himself. It’s a familiar story. See more pictures.
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